There were so many amazing projects entered, I would have been happy even if I didn’t win. I loved seeing so many kids getting involved and trying to change the world!! I am so happy and honored to have won. And, my school gets to display the trophy for a year. So cool!
April 22, 2015 [CYD Facebook Page Announcement]
We’re absolutely, positively, beyond words thrilled to announce this year’s #GYSD 2015 project winners!! (we’re so excited we used TWO exclamation points!)
There were so many (so, SO many) ridiculously wonderful projects this year, but the two winning submissions really caught our voters’ & our community’s eyes. They’re THAT good.
Taking home our first place prize (not to mention $150 Philanthropic Grant!) in our high school division is Empower U SRQ, a campaign to increase awareness and help prevent sexual assault. Visit www.empowerusrq.comfor more details.
And our middle school winners? That would be “Bag Up the Love”, a campaign which strives to provide children in foster care in Sarasota County with much needed personal items. Visit for more details.
Congratulations to all our participants and this year’s award recipients! We’re inspired by you. #dosomethinggood #dosomethinggreat#volunteergeneration #EverydayYoungHeroes